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The Governor State of Osun, Ogbeni Gboyega Oyetola has charged graduates of Osun state College of Technology (Oscotech) Esa-Oke to 'live up to global expectations by becoming job creators and employers of labour, thereby having a paradigm shift from from job hunting to job creation'.

Mr Oyetola who attended the Convocation of the college for the first time as visitor, stated that 'Convocation is the most essential highlight of programs at tertiary institution as it speaks to it's capacity to fulfil it's tripartite mandate of teaching, research and community service, congratulated the college governing council, board of studies management, staff and students on hosting the Combined Convocation ceremony and conferment of honorary fellowship awards'.

Governor Oyetola who added that 'as products of innovation-driven institution, the nation and indeed the world are waiting for their entrepreneurial skills', made this known at the Combined Convocation ceremony of 2015 to 2019 set of graduates held on Saturday 12th October 2019 at the College campus.

The Osun number citizen who was represented by the Secretary to the state government Prince Wole Oyebamiji also 'congratulated the honorary awardees who are distinguished Nigerians whose exemplary lives and accomplishments qualified them for the honor, adding his appreciation to their living lives that are models to the youths, thereby giving hope for a better and prosperous Nigeria'.

Mr Governor 'while rejoicing with the graduands and their parents and guardians added that they are expected to be the voice of their Alma mater in the propagation of it's vision, and admonished them to to give back to the Alma mater by giving back to their institution, not only by joining the Alumni Association but by also being responsible and active members of the Association.

Speaking further the Governor stated that 'Alumni remain veritable institutional sources of support across the world, with institutions making the Alumni to have sense of belonging and ownership benefit immensely from their capacity to facilitate projects as well as engage in fundraising, and contribute funds for the development of the school as they climb the ladder in their respective disciplines'.

At the peogram well attended by heads of institutions in the South West zone, the first time visitor 'urged the management to cultivate it's Alumni by treating them well in school and networking with them by following up on their successes through life vide, the advancement unit to encourage them to give back to their college'.

He reiterated that 'Polythecnics and Colleges of Technology has the mandate of producing middle-level manpower for sustainable technology development of the nation, reflected his happiness that the institution is living up to it's billing, that the institution must continue to strive to achieve technological excellence as envisioned by it's founding fathers, and challenged the management and staff to put necessary measures in achieving distinction and recognition, especially in cutting edge research and global institutional ranking'.

Governor Gboyega Oyetola also implored the management to improve on networking and partnership, which remain crucial elements in achieving feats, to be active players in the global academic space by entrenching stable academic calendar through partnership to benefit from world class citadels'.

The number one state helmsman maintained that 'institutions which engage in needless industrial actions and protests have no place in global recognition, adding that at best it can only revel in self delusion and be a champion among dwarfs that with time, such institutions will lose student patronage and consequently close shop in a nation where there is a cut-throat competition for student patronage'.

Governor Gboyega Oyetola having reiterated again that 'his government has intent on providing affordable and and quality education for its youths, added that his government shall continue to support the college by providing financial and other resources within the limits of it's available resources, he urged the college to shore up his financial base in improving on its internally generated revenue drive to complement government's support'.

In his address, the Rector of Osun State College of Technology Esa-Oke (Oscotech), Dr Samson Omobayo Adegoke welcomed the Governor to the great citadel, adding that the ceremony is a unique and historical one because for the first time in the history of the college, it is holding it's Convocation ceremony on its founders day which is October 12, being that the edict of the autonomy of the college was signed by the first executive Governor of the state, Late Alhaji Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke on October 12, 1992.

He added that the College for the Convocation Program showcase it's Alumni that are making waves into prominence by producing Professor Godwin Emmanuel Oyedokun, a Professor of Forensic Accounting and graduate of it's Accountancy department, who gave the Convocation lecture, as well as give fellowship awards to two other members of it's Alumni, Aare Tayo Adaralegbe graduate of Banking and Finance department, and Pastor Victor Ayeye graduate of Estate Management department for their support of the college.

Dr Adegoke who used the medium to appreciate the former Governor of the state, Mr Rauf Aregbesola, also commended Governor Gboyega Oyetola for providing enabling employment for the operation of the college of technology, and for their moral and financial support to the management at all times, as well as for payment of full salaries to it's workers, adding that the institution is more determined to take the bull by the horn and face the present challenges, with the college securing accreditation for courses that are self sustaining, whose graduates can stand on its own if given the financial support without necessarily waiting for white collar jobs.

He added that the Combined Convocation ceremony for set 2015 to 2019 calendar year produced one hundred and twent-three (123) (1.1%) students with Distinction, two thousand, two hundred and seventy-six (2,276) (20.7%) students with Upper Credit, seven thousand, three hundred and twenty-four (7,324) (66.6%) students with Lower Credit, and one thousand, two hundred and seventy-nine (1,279) (11.6%) students with Pass totalling Eleven thousand and two (11,002) students as graduands for the Combined Convocation ceremony.

The Oscotech Rector at the overfilled hall, venue of the Combined Convocation Ceremony congratulated the graduands and appreciated relevant supporters of the institution, further added that the world is focused on Technological education and skills acquisition rather than conventional education with emphasis on certificates, hence appealing parents and guardians to allow their wards take full advantage offered by polytechnic education which will allow them stand on their own rather than continue feeding of unemployed graduates that are characteristics of most families.

Earlier in his opening remarks, the Acting Chairman on behalf of the Governing Council, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education, Mr Festus Olajide opened the Combined Convocation ceremony  according to Section 11:1 and 14 of the college edict by declaring open the 6th Combined Convocation of the Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke for the award of fellowships, Diplomas, Certificates and Prizes.

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